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Here activities will be provided and explained as infographics for you to use in your classrooms and achieve the standards proposed  for EFL Colombian teachers of B1 Level to boost listening skills. For each can do statement, there will be described which activity to use and how you can implement it in the classroom;  there may be some variations. It will help you to give variety to your students, and to have fun with them while they are learning and you teaching. 

Colombian Standards for B1 English level
Sigo las instrucciones dadas en clase para realizar actividades académicas.
I can follow the instructions given in class in order to achieve the academic activities. 
Identifico ideas generales y específicas en textos orales, si tengo conocimiento del tema y del vocabulario utilizado.
I can identify general and specific ideas from oral texts, if I know about the topic, and the used vocabulary. 
Identifico la información clave en conversaciones breves tomadas de la vida real, si están acompañadas por imágenes.
I can identify key information in short conversations taken from real lives, if images or pictures are used to.
Reconozco los elementos de enlace de un texto oral para identificar su secuencia.
I can recognise the conectors of a oral text in order to identify the sequence. 
Identifico diferentes roles de los hablantes que participan en conversaciones de temas relacionados con mis intereses.
I can identify the different roles of speakers who participate in conversations regarding topics I am interested in.
Utilizo mi conocimiento general del mundo para comprender lo que escucho.
I can use my regular knowledge in order to comprenhense what I am listening.
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